Talk:Blog:Crush Roller/Make Trax (Arcade)

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taizou said ...

I can't let this pass without mentioning the unofficial Taiwanese Famicom port, "Brush Roller": with its infamous purple... thing (which may or may not be supposed to be Son Wukong of Journey to the West).

And it later, somehow, fell into the hands of NTDEC, who changed the graphics and sound and released it as "Bookyman" on the Caltron 6 in 1 multicart..

--taizou 18:55, 19 December 2011 (CST)

CRV said ...

Thank you. I decided against talking about the knockoffs.

But I should have talked about the video. With the right skills, you can just keep rolling over the goldfish for big points.

--CRV 06:57, 20 December 2011 (CST)

viagra said ...

<comment date="2012-05-21T05:11:02Z" name="viagra" url=""> I would definitely choose the Ford Escape. If all the other choices were from a person, you wouldn’t how they drove it, if they replaced anything broken or kept it the way it was, if they modified anything, if they took it off road and ate up the suspension, if they liked to drive fast or take sudden stops, ect… If you get any car at a dealer, you know they refreshed almost everything, cleaned it, given it tune ups and oil changes, made it almost like it was brand new again. The Escape also gets very good gas mileage, can haul, and has off road capabilities. It seats up to 5 people.


viagra said ...

<comment date="2012-05-25T07:48:24Z" name="viagra" url=""> Sanaeちゃん、こんばんは~☆2枚目のお写真、↓にもありましたが何かしら?と思い読み進んで行くと・・・イルミネーションの一部(何だか書き方が変ね?笑)なんですね。何だか町全体が遊園地の様な感じですね。飴の棚や綿菓子もあって、楽しそう♪日本のアウトレットではグミが売ってますね。好きなだけ袋に詰めて量り売り・・・これケメコが好きで、OKと言おうものなら手当り次第詰め込むものだから、わざと傍を通らず「お休みかしら?」なんて誤魔化すんですよ(爆)。良い週末を!!!

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