Blog:A Black History Moment

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CRV 09:03, 28 February 2011 (CST) [permalink] [comments]

As Black History Month comes to a close in the US and Canada, here for your consumption are two articles from Black Enterprise. The first is called "Cash in on the Videogame Craze" from December 1982, which talks about the game industry boom and opportunities being created for black entrepreneurs and engineers. The second is a sort of follow-up from August 1985 called "The Mixed Signals in High-Tech's Future". Think of them as "pre-Crash" and "post-Crash."

Featured in the 1982 article is Ed Smith, one of the engineers behind the APF MP-1000 and Imagination Machine. In both articles is Jerry Lawson, the always interesting "father of the videogame cartridge" who designed the Fairchild Video Entertainment System (later called the Channel F), the first game console to use programmable cartridges, and who later started Video Soft.

More with these two video game pioneers:


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