Talk:Blog:F1 World Grand Prix (Dreamcast)

From Game Developer Research Institute
Revision as of 18:16, 9 June 2012 by (Talk) (Comment provided by Youhei - via ArticleComments extension)

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Persona said ...

<comment date="2012-03-11T20:33:00Z" name="Persona" url=""> This game's got some pretty slick menu UI + bgm. Not a bad looking game! </comment>

Mukimuki@RS said ...

<comment date="2012-04-12T11:12:21Z" name="Mukimuki@RS" signature="mukimuki@RS"> wasn't their studio in Liverpool and somehow Psygnosis related? </comment>

CRV said ...

<comment date="2012-04-12T13:47:45Z" name="CRV" url="" signature="CRV"> Video System was in Manchester. Don't know about Psygnosis. (They both made Formula 1 games, though.) </comment>

Lance Boyle said ...

<comment date="2012-04-24T00:58:51Z" name="Lance Boyle"> Yeah, the whole Video System stuff was quite weird. All they released on their final years were F1 racing games (including one by Ubisoft, believe it or not) and that N64 Aero Fighters game.

Didn't know they had a British studio, though. </comment>

Youhei said ...

<comment date="2012-06-09T18:16:38Z" name="Youhei" url=""> Hello!Comment e7a va?Moi e7a va bien. Le 20 juin, j'ai participe9 e0 une corsue de ve9lo. J'ai termine9 1e8re dans ma cate9gorie. J'ai eu un certificat cadeau de25$ chez Wallmart et une belle me9daille. J'ai aussi gagne9 un belle montre dans les prix de pre9sences. J'ai fini l'e9cole !!! Je suis en vacances!!! On part en voyage bientf4t, j'ai he2te.Bye , gros bisous, Andre9aPS Tout le monde e0 la maison ont trouve9 cette plage super hot Vous allez nous y amener si on vient chez vous ??? </comment> <endFeed />

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