Talk:Blog:F1 World Grand Prix (Dreamcast)

From Game Developer Research Institute
Revision as of 10:41, 9 June 2012 by (Talk) (Comment provided by Ilona - via ArticleComments extension)

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Persona said ...

<comment date="2012-03-11T20:33:00Z" name="Persona" url=""> This game's got some pretty slick menu UI + bgm. Not a bad looking game! </comment>

Mukimuki@RS said ...

<comment date="2012-04-12T11:12:21Z" name="Mukimuki@RS" signature="mukimuki@RS"> wasn't their studio in Liverpool and somehow Psygnosis related? </comment>

CRV said ...

<comment date="2012-04-12T13:47:45Z" name="CRV" url="" signature="CRV"> Video System was in Manchester. Don't know about Psygnosis. (They both made Formula 1 games, though.) </comment>

Lance Boyle said ...

<comment date="2012-04-24T00:58:51Z" name="Lance Boyle"> Yeah, the whole Video System stuff was quite weird. All they released on their final years were F1 racing games (including one by Ubisoft, believe it or not) and that N64 Aero Fighters game.

Didn't know they had a British studio, though. </comment>

website promotions said ...

<comment date="2012-06-03T05:25:42Z" name="website promotions" url=""> I will really love for you for guests posting on </comment>

Ilona said ...

<comment date="2012-06-09T10:41:14Z" name="Ilona" url=""> on some posts but still nothing it keeps ginivg me the same problem. Is the problem my controller, the tv set up (if so how do I fix this problem because I don't know how to access the HDMi setup screen on the playstation because the controller isn't responding. When I plug in the controller I notice that all 4 lights on the top flash and then light number one will be the only one lit up but then I notice it starts to flash. So maybe I'm not pairing it correctly. Is the problem that somehow the playstation got damaged in the box? I've tried it with two t.v's one with a really old one it gave me the same problem, so then I tried it with the flatscreen in the living room and it still gave me the same problem which is weird. I know I can't expect it to work on the old t.v but how would make it work on a new t.v? I guess my biggest problem is being frustrated not being able to move on from the time adjustment screen because the screens keep on going back and forth its frustrating. Should I exchange the PS3, it was a gift so I feel bad.Thanks in advance for the help. </comment> <endFeed />

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